Friday, July 27, 2012

The Medicine Wheel

Dear Grand daughter, We contact you again this day in order for you to scribe for us a message concerning The Medicine Wheel. We wish for you to help others understand more about what Medicine means to the Native American tribes within the United States and in fact all indigenous tribes world wide. With the start of the Games today we Grandmothers feel it is a good lesson to give to the global village. As you know, you have been blessed through the Matriarch of the Wolf Clan of the Winnebago tribe of Native Americans with contact with her Grandmother who, through the veil named you Medicine Woman Who Flies Far, and have had this name for over twenty years now. Through many days and nights questions, conversations, musings , visions, and ponderings you came to understand what this name means and why you were given it and this is what we wish to enlighten others with. Your biological roots are not Native American, rather Celtic/Scandinavian, and your thirst for knowledge has led you to embark on a quest for understanding of the role of the shaman in ancient cultures and tribes, and to interpret your own at times harsh initiation experiences as a shaman yourself which you are. A shaman is a healer. A shaman communicates with spirits. Those living and those on the other side of the veil. Gaining guidance and insight in order to help the clan and tribe. The Native way of teaching is different than what is taught across America in public schools. It is much more personal and one to one or small group and experiential in nature. A question is often answered with another question in order to stimulate the child's own thinking, reasoning and imaginative talents. The education is Earth based and many lessons are learned by walking out into Nature and spending time there, sometimes alone on vision quests, and seeking answers through brothers and sisters of the two legged, winged, finned, and four legged variety. Every leaf of grass, every insect, each drop of rain contains a world of information and knowledge when you look. Medicine is not simply about writing out a prescription for pills and a hurried visit with someone in a white coat with a stethascope around the neck. The Medicine Wheel is that delicate interconnection of all peoples, races, and tribes now inhabiting the whole Earth and the hoop of the Wheel was almost broken by those forces generally referred to now as the dark cabal. Through your intense and loving friendship with Karen your Wolf clan friend, you made Medicine bridging tribes and cultures and varied circumstances which have rippled across the Universe above and below. This love and friendship transcends time and space and is afloat in the sea of love that you both live and move and have your Being in. The Medicine is your love. Your love under extraordinarily hard and abusive past circumstances that included the shooting of you in the chest and the miraculous continuation of life after the attempted assassination. The further love that sustained you when satanists invaded your home. We do not wish to dwell upon these traumas in this message but there is a great healing power in letting your readers know you have not only survived but are thriving after these attacks on your Being and that you have learned tools to recover from them and thrive. The Medicine you gained in these attacks is how to protect yourself and family and friends from further harm and trauma, and this involves your online communities. The Internet is now a modern part of the Medicine Wheel as ancient practices such as meditations, invocations. prayers, and rituals and disciplines can be offered to all tribes via this Heavenly/Earthly connective instrument. You have learned how to avoid more stalking. Where to disconnect and reconnect again, and when, guided by Spirit and your own wisdom and faith and intuition. Your own I AM presence. We, the Grandmothers assure you that you are safe now and that no one will ever again haunt and hunt you as in the past. This is a past that is truly passed and your contributions to the Light forces are constantly safeguarded. The channelings that are being posted on Lightworkers by Wes Annac, James Tyberonn, and many others are all interweaving a stronger Medicine Wheel that is nourishing not only Earthly tribal relations but intergalactic ones as well, for as you know the Native Americans and indigenous tribes world wide have all left records of contact with the Star nations too. Consider the Lightworker site as a big school with different teachers and classes available to students at all different levels of understanding and awareness of how the multiverses function. As the student is ready the teacher appears. This is how it works in the Light realms. Many may benefit from visiting your own cybercrotcheting as well, and find the link that is for them in the NOW moment of need and inquiry. INEDA Healing Places on the Web... We love you and bless your heart dear grand daughter. The Grandmothers

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