Thursday, December 2, 2010

Warming Up!

Jesus is the reason for the season!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pictures Are Often Worth A Thousand Words...

I was so blessed to actually witness this astounding take off the spring of 2007 at LAX, & Spirit nudges me to share it with all of you...because as this giant airship leaps into the sky, SOO amazing, she is the perfect airship to demonstrate on a smaller scale what ALL of us are doing as Mama Earth rolls around Her rounds each day now.  She spins & YES,  We/She are actually ascending in the Universe on Her back at the same time!

Can you dig it?  There are thousand upon thousand of Light Beings who are "watching the show" as we do what has been unprecedented in all of humanity, indeed throughout the Milky Way's Galaxies existence...EVER!

That is why spiritualists, channellers, highly attuned ministers of God, & master, Teachers, mentors all over this blessed Planet are telling those who really want to know...that this is the TRUE explanation for so many apparently apocolyptic happening here  when we stand on Her Sacred ground.

Because we have a modern perspective on our modern lives, we take for granted this airbus flying now, but the ancients who foresaw this day expressed it in terms they could understand.

So if you have the sensation, wherever you are, that you have found a "berth" or cabin space which is pleasing to stay in while on a moving journey, similar to a train berth or a plane berth, then you are in synch with the flight to ascend.  Yes, there will be a very brief dark passage in the near future as we all pass through the Cosmic Mother's birth canal, but when our Planet is reborn, She will be a Bright & Shining Star!

In Essence we are ALL midwives, & in the common language of natural childbirth, we have passed through the phase of Transition & mama will soon begin to push...that is what is really happening.

SO do not let anyone fool you.  Do not accept invitations from seeming beings of light to hop on a space ship now, if you want to be in the Delivery Room of the Heavenly Sparkling Planet.

Remember the Kool Aid drinkers?  They died.  Stick with us, the birth is so, so near!

Jumbo Jet Takes Off in LAX, Spring 2007

A Message From Michael

For those of you who have never made your acquaintance with this mighty Archangel's presence, here he is, to tell all in a nutshell what we are ALL doing here right now...

Message from Michael

For Today...

Here is are links to the larger Agency with whom we associate...



We are adding another blog to the INEDA web of influence which is beginning to take shape this summer for the Fall 2010 Terms world wide.  We are using meta templates within the Google design vanguard so bear with us as we weave & play with links, channels & threads.  Namaste!

May Peace prevail Upon the Earth,
Monica King