Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hopi Prophecies

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Power, Purity, & Pastoral Care

Here is the link to the article...
My Dear Reading, listening friends:

Happy Spring! Can you feel the shift in the air, in the gentle breezes, in the songs of the birds? I certainly did, especially over this past weekend. Springing forth in a sense on all levels of a newness of life, I feel the Power, the Purity & the pastoral call renewed within & all about me.

This article is about the Power available to ALL of us within our very body gloves, the human form we chose to inhabit now.

Cutting to the chase, the Message a messianic figure in the form of a human man gave us over a few centuries ago...that got him ridiculed, dragged through the streets, spat on, then murdered in the most gruesome & public of ways is that the Kingdom of Godd is within. He was simply, & unassumingly pointing within...the Light within that actually animates us.

All these poetic similes & metaphors are contained in a library of books bound together in the Bible. A lamp on hill, the flocking of folks...simple, pure, & actually filled with physics. Modern day physics.

Metaphysics. Change always being initiated within first in order to manifest change on the outside.

So that is the Power part. We ALL have it. That is what He came to say & to demonstrate. Period.

Our point of view matters. It is a physical, a metaphysical truth.

Reading the cutting edge work of scientists around the globe, the emerging truth, the deeper layers of truth, are that the Observer actually affects the observed. You may have found this to be true in your own experiences if you stop to ponder this for a moment.

Children & parents interact in this fashion all the time, with or without awareness. Spend even a few hours watching these interactions on a playground or a park & you can see this in action. Mommy! Watch me! Watch me now! And then the fabulous leap, the mastery of the jump, the cartwheel, the courage conjured to make a smooth swan dive from a high place.

The triumphs & tragedies of life in motion are so much more dynamic when someone is witnessing them. More growth producing. Less stagnant.

Likewise, emotions that are stirred in these interactions have their own magnetism. And this seems odd, but if you live long enough you also can be more acutely tuned & aware to these too, & how they have an actual electromagnetic field or charge about them. A Universal scale, not at all special but truly a Universal law for all; the lower vibrational emotions; that makes us feel: sad, depressed, fearful, they have a lower charge...literally & figuratively.

So many common expressions in folk talk/lore indicate this as well. Feeling "under the weather", gloomy, dark feelings often can coincide with actual weather conditions outside, have you ever noticed this?

Well let us look a little deeper at the lower vibrational range & see something which may help now.

I credit my counselor in the early days of recovery from major trauma to help me see this, once she pointed it out to me. I did have that "lightbulb" experience when she did. That "ah hah!" moment that teachers & counselors get their charge out of. The pure LOVE of the chosen work in the chosen field; let us look at the relationship between fear & anger for just a moment. Once you SEE the pattern, I hope you too can use the knowledge to shift into mastery where all is much more satisfying, speaking as one who has grappled with it. Trust me. practice makes perfect.

My dear counselor Claudia Zayfert exemplified this, She had exercises to help me FEEL my way through the truth of the matter; the matter being that some emotions are like a smog or fog. They occlude clarity, they soften light coming through windows.

Claudia helped me tame my rage.

Here is what she pointed out. Fear is not a place we LIKE to be. Engulfed by it. It is terrifying. It makes us feel without power of any kind & at the mercy of forces far more powerful than ourselves. In times since my meetings with her this was born out repeatedly as world events showed us in aftermaths of cataclysmic Earth changes; hurricanes, quakes, tsunamis. Terrifying forces of nature bearing down on small vulnerable bodies containing spirit...

Researchers discovered most of the deaths after the hurricanes that ravaged New Orleans died; not of the natural events themselves, but of the panic & fear that overwhelmed those spirits in bodies. Floods of cortisol & other biochemicals overwhelmed the Observer, the calm, rational state of the persons who floated up as truly was FEAR that killed.

So, again a truth rings out, a world leader, said "we have nothing to fear but fear itself."

Not just a catchy political statement. A FACT. Born out by our ever increasing analytical technologies that brought us this metaphysical truth home again. And again & again.

Those police who panicked & drew guns too quickly, mistaking a move on the part of a prey & shot prematurely, shot from fear, ...& death, needless death arising again, & again & again....

Metaphysical truth.

Because here is the pearl she polished & held up to the light for me; the fastest way to get out of fearful states is to convert them into ANGER.

Now there is power! Anger motivates, anger is like gasoline, it can ignite so quickly.
Anger is the fuel the natural body NEEDS sometimes to catalyze us out of danger, an adrenaline rush, so quicksilver we hardly believe it has caught us upward & out of the situation we can not STAND for!

Yes, ANGER can liberate. And yes, anger needs to be handled with as much care as gasoline whether propane or liquid. This is the Pearl I shall forever cherish this dear sister for handing me, in the aftermath of surviving a near death experience in my own journey.

I pass it along to you dear ones as well. Anger needs an outlet. A safe one. When I asked her about how to discharge this safely & why she did not react when I spoke loudly & forcefully to her in our sessions she replied with this metaphor;
Anger does not lessen in intensity when it is mirrored back.

For me (she, the counselor) to react to you with anger will do neither of us any good. It is like throwing gas on a fire. It only flares up & is very unstable.

"So what do you do then?" I asked her. Her work was to help me revisit, over & over again the most fear-ridden aspects of my trauma experience to really zone in on the most fear provoking of them, & to desensitize to those moments by the sheer repetition of the hearing of my own voice telling about those peak fearful moments again & again until the emotional intesity of them reduced, by my own self-examination from near 100 percent down to near zero. We made tapes so I could listen to me & the telling of it, over & over again.

Getting to zero point. That was the key. This method worked at that point in time for me. So I offer it to you as a freebie. With an invitation to experiment with the method. There are others. But the process is a sure one...Noticing, observing with real honesty within your own safe place, whatever that may look like for you, is worth the risk of the experiment. It will do no harm, it may help you master the lower vibrational spectrum of emotions...which, incidently appear universally to correspond with colors too, ever notice that?

"Seeing red"...Notice, acknowledge...take a deep breath...& then, just maybe, you may feel better moving yourself, your own emotions into a higher vibration...from red, into orange, into yellow (power), into green, into teal, into blues, into purple...their is your rainbow of emotions to master...the Light within is your turn up the heat or turn it down, just like the oil lamps of old...this is where the purity comes in. As we each turn the keys to our own lamps we co create a more Light-filled, peaceful, calm place wherever our lamps are still lit. Sitting still...sometime pecking away as a tiny newbirthing bird out of the shell of old, outmoded belief, tapes of childhood abuse, terrifying movie-like ,moments with huge forces seemingly without our own "windows" our own eyes to the outside world...

Being a pastoral sort, means being gentle. Gentle with ourselves first, by noticing these metaphysical movements within & then playing with the keys. A shepherd is gentle but highly Observant. Watches for predators at night to guard against wolves & foxes who would break past the shepherd's vigilance to steal the eggs, or grab the hens or bite the jugulars of the sheep. Sheep have a herd mentality. The Shepherd knows this.

Being like that Man of a couple thousand years ago is to BE the shepherd. Not write lectures about Him or long dissertations that satisfy the intellect alone. The Shepherd has the heart & head working in synergistic fashion together at all times. How about you?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

American Mothers Lullabye

A Spring shower gift for the expecting family...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Visualization, Meditation Project for LightWorkers...

Dear Brave Soul Friends Everywhere:

My, my but what a group of talents we have here collected in so very a short time!

I myself AM what I AM. I do not "channel" per se, however for YEARS I have accessed Community Access T.V. within the U.S. when necessary to nudge a community issue forward & to take a public stand on nonpartisan issues that affect us all; within mainly my calling as a nurse & healer on the planet.

I urge you to do so also. Use a Search engine in your region of the globe & get more of your videos out into the mainstream now.

With the growth of a bunch of garbage channels, there remains this FREE access to our communities to use in blessed intent for the highest good of ALL, & so here is a template for how I have approached this new way of diffusing Light amongst us everywhere cable channels have been installed:

What I do is use my Drafts section of a Google account which I bought from Google for the small price of 10.00 us per year to maintain.
(If anyone here would like a FREE email address just ask me! I will gladly send you one.)

Address your request to

Anyhow I keep my generic letter as a draft:

"I am an independent video producer, making videos mainly now for publication on YouTube. These formats are, I would think, compatible with your formatting of local cable or community access television.

Please have a look. I wrote all the material & made the production myself. I own the copyrights. Could you use them in your rotation? I am very interested in working them into the night time formats especially of what you broad cast.

Many thanks in advance for taking time to look them over!
Blessings, Monica King

The first is a wedding song:
The second is for relaxing at home...
The third is called the Daughter of Captains & Kings:

I also have a night time meditation I formatted in a video format as well, & I have had some really great feedback on these...perhaps they too could be used for night time hours...?

ALL are intended to help people deal with issues that often arise as we lay restlessly trying to fall asleep.

Please let me know if these can be used in your Night time rotations...
Blessings, Monica King

Join us in healing the Gulf;
INEDA Healing Places on the Web
Sending you Love & Light, Monica King"

(It stays there in the account labeled generic letter so I know what it is at a glance. Then I copy it into a new Compose frame, paste it...& then in same fashion, I keep email addresses already formatted for particular groups also in the Drafts California community access tv addresses...)

Maybe this is just the way my brain organizes in the female fashion but it works for me.

ANYHOW, I have been persistently using a Visualization a few times a day now that has come to me in the wake of the Japan crises, & I INVITE you who are so talented in video productions to maybe make a video to make it real for everyone else...
This is what I do:
I envision the Earth spinning on her axis as she is, tilted in the multiverse, amongst the planets & stars as I know them to be configured now, & I see the planet from a great distance in my mind's eye, as I do this I envision two pyramids of a crystalline nature OVER & SURROUNDING our precious mama planet, encapsulated shall we say....
There is one at the top of the pole, the northern part of the equator, & one at the bottom. Fitting over the half like a lamp shade so to speak...

They are HUGE: way larger than Earth & the one at the top is slowly but surely rotating counterclockwise, while the one on the bottom is moving clockwise, with a core of LIGHT shooting through the Earth herself from north to south poles. This core is mainly deep violet, but is shot through with platinum, golden & other lights colors in its core....

The pyramids are large enough to encompas ALL of our fixed orbit satellites for telecommunications, along with the orbital satellites that orbit the earth & periodically download info as their pathways cross computer receivers at any given spot on the planet.

Think of it as a LARGE, large sanctuary space that has been set-up to hold the WHOLE of our advanced civilization, both airborn & on the ground & within the core.

I limit the amount of time I spend listening to news & use a simple radio at home where my meditative sanctuary is...I connect to the WHOLE of the crystallized gyrating rotating pyramids with a deep purple flame of Light that moves through my crown chakra into my feet, & down into my core crystal within the Earth's center in the Cave of Creation where we all have a Record keeping crystal just for us. Each one of us.

This sets of a Light circuit that I can, with my mind's eye again, manipulate & modulate at will. As I hear of struggles in Japan I send out bubbles of purple to contain the nuclear reactors still being attended & a larger bubble for all of Japan.

I send a flood of purple, like the inky purple octopi shoot out, is how I see it, to Bahrain, to Libya, to Tunisia, Cairo, all the places conflict has heated up, & spots where military confrontations are most likely to occur.

To do so , moves me out of my smaller ego-based natural mind into my Higher Mind or Higher Powered Spirit-filled Etheric Mind, & all is so much better...I FEEL calmer in the maintaining of such a vigil when I am actually at a distance from those on the front lines of addressing the catastrophes.

It would be so lovely if one of you graphic designer video artists could render this as a moving video for others to see & link into spiritually.

In the meantime, see if you can exercise your own power of imagination to join in the visualization.

Peace. momking aka Monica King, aka Medicine Woman Who Flies Far

Here is where I crotchet my stuff online...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Music

This is actually a new version of some old original tunes I have carried with me for many a moon now...

If you can not get it this way, go to YouTube & look up 1momking
You Give Me Joy is the tune on this post but there are three new ones on there now.
Blessings, Monica

Thursday, March 17, 2011


My latest article at

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


During the month of LOVE, I am seeking ways to expand our of them is to create pages that help others read them. here is a Google gadget that does this. Give it try & let us know what you think!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

General Evening,Night Meditation

General Evening, Night Meditation

General Evening/Night Meditation

This is a general & practical 15 minute, free meditation to practice at night when falling asleep before dreaming...

It may also be used by Night Shift laborers to fall asleep in a darkened room when sleeping in the day time as well.

The contents of this meditation involve the listening organs, the reception of sound waves & light waves using this interactive media tool.

The discipline of simple breathing & visualization techniques & exercise is a universally known general practice; it involves only using your own mind to create more health & wellness for your self & others.

No one deity is invoked, nor are any religious archetypes used. It is a simple relaxation meditation to use to improve health by improving sleeping habits.