Sunday, July 29, 2012

Spider Medicine

Dear Granddaughter, We, the Grandmothers wish for you to continue to give your readers some understanding of ancient and modern ways we Grandmothers use to help educate our beloved grandchildren. We ask you to include three threads today to include with this channeling for the topic of Spider Medicine: We Grandmothers simply LOVE the world wide web as it is built with Spider Medicine and uses string theory to sustain it. Each reader will take away something unique and personal in studying these places of education available to ALL on the world wide web. When Lightworkers combine HEART Medicine with Spider Medicine, the POWER of healing is raised exponentially. We simply ask the readers to ponder how they too can use their body/minds and fingers to weave the world wide web of loving influence in assistance to the Universal mission now of intergalactic loving and harmonious relationships, mutual support, and the overall raising of vibrational frequencies within, upon and above the Earth. From NOW to NOW....continue to meditate, use the powerful ones offered here and NOW by the Angels and Ascended Masters channeled , and continue to let flow the liquid golden energy into every cell of your body as you act as conduit and transducer in service to ALL within, upon and above this beautiful planet Earth. We, your Grandmothers, are so very much in awe of ALL our children and grandchildren are accomplishing and our LOVE is ever present with you.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Heart Medicine

Dear Granddaughter, We, your Grandmothers, are asking you to scribe this message and wish to continue through you, to share some both ancient and modern wisdom concerning healing today. We note that there is some controversy and confusion on the Web as we like to call it, about lower and higher vibrational entities and since your own current life incarnation has had direct experiences with the truly old, dark energies and entities we wish to reveal through you some of the hard won discernment you have gained and gleaned through these experiences at this time. We wish to point out that there is a Lightworker with a picture here at this site known as Champion of God who shows in this picture a perfect rendering of what every human has energetically within their light bodies; the chakra system. In addition one other chakra point has opened up between the heart or green chakra and the blue or throat chakra and it is an aquamarine or teal color midpoint between the two, heart and throat. This teal chakra is where Universal love and compassion resides; the agape kind of love; kindness displayed to strangers, the poor the homeless, those whom one sees at a distance as suffering in any way whether human or creature or the Earth herself. Sound and Light and Color are Universal languages. The visible spectrum of light is contained in the chakra system. In essence they are the colors of a rainbow and you see them on the logo of the Lightworker site. You can not bring harm to yourself or any other being by opening your own chakras for cleansing and using yourself as a conduit to direct more color waves to specific regions of the Earth or space. Using the violet flame in particular has a cleansing and disinfecting kind of effect and sending to others or beaming it out does not harm. It helps. This is a responsible use of a Lightworker's free agency. Where folks can run into trouble is dabbling with the darker more dense energies which are associated with Ouija boards, seances, Tarot cards and the like. Secret oaths and rituals to serve and keep secret things done in secret societies on pain of death... Dark thoughtforms and psychic phenomena are far more likely to play with the dabbler in a frightening manner through these mediums. They like to spook you through them and scare people. They are disembodied lower vibrational energies and they are stupid really, but we advise healers intent upon assisting with Ascension to steer clear of them. An ounce of prevention. Beyond the dark entities which are disembodied are people who are attracted to them and let them in allowing for a state of possession. These folks are most definitely assisted by sending them the violet flame and so when there are postings about the dark cabal asking for assistance in sending Light, sending the violet flame is most helpful. We wish for all who read our messages through you to listen inward to their hearts because the heart contains far more intelligence than just what folk wisdom and fairy tales would lead a person to believe, so we wish for you to share the article about this here you discovered recently... We also would like you to post the web thread that contains The Tapping Solution Summit material as this is so helpful in clearing so many health issues... We know you paid for this thread and we urge you to share it with your Lightworking communities now as this assists with energetic clearings in each body; physical/emotional/mental/spiritual/energetic/light... We wish for your Lightworker communities to know how you learned about channeling through Kryon as channeled by Lee Carroll and to share the thread to the Kryon channelings here... Finally please let your readers know that you came upon Ronna Herman and Archangel Michael in a Web search a few years ago now and that she is a reliable scribe for Michael. That you have used your own website to provide these links to others over the years and that you have also at times been fooled, very occasionally, but it has happened by false channelers at Lightworkers who gained access in order to spread fear and disinformation. When you have been through a nightmare you are so glad to wake up, isn't that so! Healers will not fault anyone for falling down a black hole or suffering through a nightmare, and they will help you to awaken. To gain sanity again and to carry on. Friends and loved ones may suffer jealousies and other human emotions, however a true friend will always wish and hope for your highest and best dreams to come true. We, the Grandmothers wish only for the highest and best outcomes to manifest on Earth for our beloved grandchildren and that includes freedom, fairness, abundance, clean air, water and food, and healthy loving bodies and relationships for everyone. Joy and Peace. This is our cherished vision for you all. Bless your heart sweet grand daughter. Sweet dreams. You are invited to.... INEDA Healing Places on the Web

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Medicine Wheel

Dear Grand daughter, We contact you again this day in order for you to scribe for us a message concerning The Medicine Wheel. We wish for you to help others understand more about what Medicine means to the Native American tribes within the United States and in fact all indigenous tribes world wide. With the start of the Games today we Grandmothers feel it is a good lesson to give to the global village. As you know, you have been blessed through the Matriarch of the Wolf Clan of the Winnebago tribe of Native Americans with contact with her Grandmother who, through the veil named you Medicine Woman Who Flies Far, and have had this name for over twenty years now. Through many days and nights questions, conversations, musings , visions, and ponderings you came to understand what this name means and why you were given it and this is what we wish to enlighten others with. Your biological roots are not Native American, rather Celtic/Scandinavian, and your thirst for knowledge has led you to embark on a quest for understanding of the role of the shaman in ancient cultures and tribes, and to interpret your own at times harsh initiation experiences as a shaman yourself which you are. A shaman is a healer. A shaman communicates with spirits. Those living and those on the other side of the veil. Gaining guidance and insight in order to help the clan and tribe. The Native way of teaching is different than what is taught across America in public schools. It is much more personal and one to one or small group and experiential in nature. A question is often answered with another question in order to stimulate the child's own thinking, reasoning and imaginative talents. The education is Earth based and many lessons are learned by walking out into Nature and spending time there, sometimes alone on vision quests, and seeking answers through brothers and sisters of the two legged, winged, finned, and four legged variety. Every leaf of grass, every insect, each drop of rain contains a world of information and knowledge when you look. Medicine is not simply about writing out a prescription for pills and a hurried visit with someone in a white coat with a stethascope around the neck. The Medicine Wheel is that delicate interconnection of all peoples, races, and tribes now inhabiting the whole Earth and the hoop of the Wheel was almost broken by those forces generally referred to now as the dark cabal. Through your intense and loving friendship with Karen your Wolf clan friend, you made Medicine bridging tribes and cultures and varied circumstances which have rippled across the Universe above and below. This love and friendship transcends time and space and is afloat in the sea of love that you both live and move and have your Being in. The Medicine is your love. Your love under extraordinarily hard and abusive past circumstances that included the shooting of you in the chest and the miraculous continuation of life after the attempted assassination. The further love that sustained you when satanists invaded your home. We do not wish to dwell upon these traumas in this message but there is a great healing power in letting your readers know you have not only survived but are thriving after these attacks on your Being and that you have learned tools to recover from them and thrive. The Medicine you gained in these attacks is how to protect yourself and family and friends from further harm and trauma, and this involves your online communities. The Internet is now a modern part of the Medicine Wheel as ancient practices such as meditations, invocations. prayers, and rituals and disciplines can be offered to all tribes via this Heavenly/Earthly connective instrument. You have learned how to avoid more stalking. Where to disconnect and reconnect again, and when, guided by Spirit and your own wisdom and faith and intuition. Your own I AM presence. We, the Grandmothers assure you that you are safe now and that no one will ever again haunt and hunt you as in the past. This is a past that is truly passed and your contributions to the Light forces are constantly safeguarded. The channelings that are being posted on Lightworkers by Wes Annac, James Tyberonn, and many others are all interweaving a stronger Medicine Wheel that is nourishing not only Earthly tribal relations but intergalactic ones as well, for as you know the Native Americans and indigenous tribes world wide have all left records of contact with the Star nations too. Consider the Lightworker site as a big school with different teachers and classes available to students at all different levels of understanding and awareness of how the multiverses function. As the student is ready the teacher appears. This is how it works in the Light realms. Many may benefit from visiting your own cybercrotcheting as well, and find the link that is for them in the NOW moment of need and inquiry. INEDA Healing Places on the Web... We love you and bless your heart dear grand daughter. The Grandmothers

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Seeds, Games, & Grandmother Love

Good Morning lovely grand daughter! We are the Grandmothers here and are so pleased you are flexible and available to us. We wanted to urge you to write a few words for us about grandmotherly things that concern us about our dear grandchildren and children especially in America this morning. As we spoke of in our previous message, eating healthily is one thing grandmothers do care about Universally and your own mother has sent you something we wish you would post concerning this laboratory tampering of your vital seed supplies. Kindly post the message here would you dear heart? "Hi, I received this from sil Wes in CA and thought it timely and important. So-called 'Monsanto riders,' quietly slipped into the multi-billion dollar FY 2013 Agricultural Appropriations bill, would require - not just allow, but require - the Secretary of Agriculture to grant a temporary permit for the planting or cultivation of a genetically engineered crop, even if a federal court has ordered the planting be halted until an Environmental Impact Statement is completed. All the farmer or the biotech producer has to do is ask. That's why I signed a petition to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama, which says: "Stop the Monsanto riders. Unless a citizen's army of farmers and consumers can stop them, Congress is likely to ram these dangerous riders through any day now."" Will you sign this petition? Click here: As you can see, feeding loved ones is of course a function of love. The best possible foods are grown organically on lands tended with love. Including live stock. We heartily endorse Farmers Markets and growing your own gardens and live stock at the local level. Another topic we wanted to bring up today is that of games and toys. Grandmothers are sources of games & toys for their little ones and we hope more and more grandmothers on the Earth step in and take a stand about the KINDS of toys & games they sanction for their grandchildren. These electronic games of stealing cars and killing aliens & wars with all kinds of beings are not, in our opinion, very healthy playthings. Sitting around on the couch all day with a remote control is not the same as running around playing hide and seek in the yard or baseball or soccer or any number of other games that stimulate physical and mental and emotional growth. Learning to be a part of a team is wonderful of course and we celebrate the Olympics. We also encourage creativity in the use of paints and paper and wood and nails to build tree houses. Seeds of peace dear grand child. Seeds of peace are sown in gardens where all generations may work together, outside in nature hiking and biking, over tea or a cup of coffee or a meal made together in the kitchen or by a campfire. In these simple rituals & routines, with these games fun is discovered and rediscovered. Playing with and tossing a ball. Swimming, paddling, moving in a creative dancing way. Children thrive on adult attention so this is where we urge you to spend time. At the side of your grandchildren, listening, watching, laughing with them. Smiles are Universal too. Thanks! We thank you dear heart for sharing our message today.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Hello again dear grand daughter! We are the Grandmothers, including your own dear ones of course, but for the purposes of this site & the healing we are all embarking upon together know that we are a counsel of Elders in the Heavenlies smiling....smiling, smiling upon you now as you receive our messages. We know you have been musing about this new form of writing for you; or receiving as a channeler and also see how quickly you are adapting to it. Marrying the old with the new. The old disciplines you have learned as a journalist & writer & the new as a channeler. It really is not all that hard is it dear one? Not at all, not at all. You have progressed from paper & pencil or pen to the keyboard and paper to the electronic page as a journalist and writer & now you sit with your mind open to simply receive that which we telepathically communicate to you. It is that simple. It is a natural progression and a new skill. On Brenda's blog, a new channeling you just read, she made mention of the physical changes all humans progress through in life from toddlerhood to child to adolescent to adult to older adult and this resonated with you we know. This business of fear of change. And questioning when exactly it was that change began to provoke fear rather than joyous anticipation. We know too why in your case that shifted, when you were such an joyfilled child, adolescent and adult. The near death experiences were truly frightfilled and this is what post traumatic stress is about. And we also know that you understood that as you and hosts of your peers move through the fifties & sixties of your Earth life there is a tendency to react with fear over joy due to the content of your recent histories. Collectively & privately. So we have a little grandmotherly advice to send out to our grandchildren now. Bathe. Yes bathe. You remember your innocence and trust as a young child when you bathe. Remember the tub or the shower. The way playing in warm water felt. Splashing away the grim, the grime and soil of the day. It still works. Bathe not only in water but bathe in breezes as you walk down the street or a wooded path. Feel those breezes caress your skin and kiss you. Bathe in sunlight, moonlight, and starlight too. All of these lights are nourishment to you on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. They are Universal free gifts of the Spirit to assist you in the shift and changes of the hour, the day the week. We Grandmothers still think it is good for our children and grandchildren to get adequate exercise, nourishment from Earth grown foods that have not been tampered with in a lab, time to socialize and play, and time to simply BE. Not everything revolves around money or the gaining of money. Summer in the Northern hemisphere is for vacations and Winter in the Southern is for gathering near a warm hearth and fireplace if you are blessed to have one and dream. We do not wish for our beloveds to be like gerbils on a wheel! Racing, racing, leads to imbalances of every sort and a complete departure from common sense and yes you all have been endowed with common sense if you only use it! We of the Grandmother council largely incarnated during times when mothers did not have "careers". Mothering WAS the career. All that has shifted within the last fifty or so years of course and we celebrate the gains you have all made. We also remind you there is dignity in BEing motherly or grandmotherly. It is a sacred calling. We never punched a time clock. Hey hey a little joke there. We evolved into being grandmothers. And so will you dear child soon enough in a perfectly natural way. Never be ashamed or embarrassed of who you are. Taking good care of yourself and enjoying the peace and quiet beauty of a simple home filled with love and partnership with a man you love and the modern tools of communication you have is enough. It is a great contribution to the global village because in your prayers & meditations you have become a pillar of Light. You transduce the Light into the Earth with your meditations and your prayers are as easily heard as the sound of your voice out loud in Heaven. Never ever for one second doubt this. The changes coming are for tremendous GOOD, they are joyous in nature, be advised. Have your grandmothers ever led you astray? Ponder this dear blessed heart. We love you so.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Roots & Wings

Hello dear granddaughter. The Grandmothers are here again to give you a message of love & peace. We know your heart & we know how deeply you wish for a global peace to manifest amongst all nations, & races, and both sexes. Our message for today is about the calling of grandmother. It is a sacred calling that is universal to all tribes on your beloved Mother Earth. The grandmother does not become one until passing through the rite of passage of motherhood however well or poorly managed. A mother has managed well enough if she comes to the threshold of being a grandmother. She has brought a child or children into the world who now choose to do the same. This is testimony enough that she has succeeded. You remember our contributions to your life with great love & fondness we know, & wish to share that to emphasize the traditional over the unconditionally loving function of grandmotherliness is to fail to understand; the traditions handed down by grandmothers to their grandchildren merely support and undergird the love. No traditions are meant to be shackles. Traditions vary from tribe to tribe & clan to clan of course & as we often spoke of, variety is the spice of life! To be celebrated! To provide a sense of rootedness, a sense of belonging in the world. Equally important are wings. We grandmothers celebrate also the modern technologies you have at your fingertips now & that you can translate an old skill learned at our knees such as crotcheting or weaving or knitting into doing the same with words on an electronic page that post to many sets of eyes all over the world. That you can & have flown by air all around the globe. What a pair of wings! Both flying as a presence through cyberspace & in body in a plane! Your webpages are a sort of cybercrotcheting and have the same flexibility and ability to warm & blanket loved ones. Your gift with words will serve you well into the future as another important role of grandmothers everywhere is to retain the wisdom of the clan in stories. Telling stories about family and affairs & events of family & friends is a grandmotherly function as is the sharing of photos from times past. Grandmothers are keepers of the family lore. Finally for this message, grandmothers keep magic alive. By reading fairy tales & other children's stories to grandchildren vital exercise of young imaginations is stimulated and the imagination is a gift & function of Spirit that allows leaps of faith & daring acts to be considered as children grow into created futures of their own making. You live in a time when new fairy tales are needed, new stories to be told to stoke this vital part of human mind. Listening to such tales helps the young mind "think outside of the box" so to speak and in the awakening and ascension process now in full swing this is vital. Stories where women rescue men as often as men rescue women & the brave & the bold rescue themselves. Stories of transformational feats like spinning straw into gold. That is what Lightworkers are doing. Taking straw & spinning it into gold. Shifting weather patterns, types of ingrained thinking of lack and transforming them into abundance. Helping the world wake up from nightmares of wars and poverty and horror into the beautiful dream of a unified peaceful global village with prosperity for all. Thank you dear grand child for taking our message to the world. Sweet dreams sweet heart.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Justice of the Peace

So now without any further ado, I give you....The Grandmothers! Monica we love you so and want you know we are always with you and watching over you. We will channel through you as one voice although you know us as Farmor & Gigi, our message is unified and what we have to say is more than either one of us has to say. We are now joined in a heavenly counsel of grandmothers around the globe assisting with this marvelous ascension process, and have eagerly awaited the moment you would consent to channel our messages for us. We are united with your friend Karen's grandmother as well & we all feel it is an extremely important moment in your time on Earth to bring to remembrance many of the teachings of the ancients & traditionalists from tribes all over the world. Yes it is time to hear from The Grandmothers. We love our grandchildren immmensely & all of us want you to know, dear grandchildren you are truly grand in our loving eyes. We want nothing but the best for you all. The cleanest water sources, happy homes, clean air & limitless free energy sources to run your appliances & lights at home. We are the hearth tenders. And the heart tenders. We know you are a retired Justice of the Peace and that you struggle every day & night with how to balance these two extremely important concepts as a mantle of responsibility on your shoulders. As you recall in your Divinity training at Harvard Divinity School, you spent hours & days on end talking with fellow & sister students of Divinity about these concepts. We know from our collective vast experiences that it is not possible to have peace without Justice. Justice cries out within the blood & the Earth Herself for what needs to be rectified. A planetary Peace will ensue as more and more work is done on the ground, the very sacred ground of Gaia for Justice and you may rely on the channelings being recorded by Greg Giles concerning the mass arrest process which is in full swing now. He is a reliable channeler for the Galactic Federation of Light, and the messages he has posted are accurate & true. You may also rely on the postings concerning Montague Keen. Dear granddaughter of our heart, your heart is so blessed with love for the Earth & all Her people, you can rely on your heart not to lead you astray. You may trust your eyes as well, and know you are seeing fleet members in the skies above you of the Galactic Federation of Light, and have seen them low these past thirty odd years at various points in your journey. They are always watching over you too. Continue with your prayers and with your meditations, and as you ask you shall receive. There are good channelers represented at your INEDA Healing Places on the Web site now and you and your readership can rely on these sources for ongoing information for all things spiritual. The Earth is ascending and you are ascending with her. Trust in this process, in the great help being offered by the Heavenly realms, your loving Grandmothers, the Angels & the Ascended Beings alongside the Galactic Federation of Light. Continue to exercise discernment, patience & faith, and the New Earth will come more visible with each passing day & night for all the world to wonder at. You are blessed beyond measure. We love you and want only the highest & best possible outcomes for you on every front there is known to humankind.

The Grandmothers

I am a member of the Lightworker global community and have, on INEDA Healing Places on the Web, listed the Lightworkers site prominently under the national & international section of the site. The most heavily used portion of Lightworkers is the channeling page where messages are posted from star beings; the Galactic Federation of Light, & spirits who have passed beyond the veil such as notably Montague Keen. The reader of this blog will note also that INEDA is an interactive place on the web for those who are open to the notion that we are more than our bodies. That we are in fact spirits housed within human vessels of flesh & blood. Shamans all over the world have understood this & communed with disembodied spirits in various ways on behalf of their tribes & cultures & today they/we are still at it. While I myself have represented that I am a writer, a nurse, & a healer within these online communities what I have not done up until this point in time is channel. I do read the channelers at Lightworkers & I also listen to Kryon channelings which are also linked to the INEDA Healing Places page. All this is recorded by way of an introduction into a new discipline for me....channeling. My grandmothers have been communing with me telepathically & want me to start channeling them. This is stretching my own concept of self. I had been very happy to think of myself as a conventional 3D person however these promptings, musings & dream manifestations are urging me on to jump in the pond or ocean as it were and take a swim as a channeler. Having been raised in New England to be open to doing this is a little woo woo to my own sensibilities, but since I have NO DOUBT about the quality of love I have always felt from both of my grandmothers, I am willing to give this a try. I have no idea what they wish to convey to the world through me, but I do know I consider both of them wise & loving grandmothers who would never lead me astray. I also wish to emphasize that this is not an exercise of possession or anything like it. It is an exercise using my mind telepathically to open up a channel of communication for them to speak to me, & in our dialogue to share this with my friends and family in our global village.