Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Hello again dear grand daughter! We are the Grandmothers, including your own dear ones of course, but for the purposes of this site & the healing we are all embarking upon together know that we are a counsel of Elders in the Heavenlies smiling....smiling, smiling upon you now as you receive our messages. We know you have been musing about this new form of writing for you; or receiving as a channeler and also see how quickly you are adapting to it. Marrying the old with the new. The old disciplines you have learned as a journalist & writer & the new as a channeler. It really is not all that hard is it dear one? Not at all, not at all. You have progressed from paper & pencil or pen to the keyboard and paper to the electronic page as a journalist and writer & now you sit with your mind open to simply receive that which we telepathically communicate to you. It is that simple. It is a natural progression and a new skill. On Brenda's blog, a new channeling you just read, she made mention of the physical changes all humans progress through in life from toddlerhood to child to adolescent to adult to older adult and this resonated with you we know. This business of fear of change. And questioning when exactly it was that change began to provoke fear rather than joyous anticipation. We know too why in your case that shifted, when you were such an joyfilled child, adolescent and adult. The near death experiences were truly frightfilled and this is what post traumatic stress is about. And we also know that you understood that as you and hosts of your peers move through the fifties & sixties of your Earth life there is a tendency to react with fear over joy due to the content of your recent histories. Collectively & privately. So we have a little grandmotherly advice to send out to our grandchildren now. Bathe. Yes bathe. You remember your innocence and trust as a young child when you bathe. Remember the tub or the shower. The way playing in warm water felt. Splashing away the grim, the grime and soil of the day. It still works. Bathe not only in water but bathe in breezes as you walk down the street or a wooded path. Feel those breezes caress your skin and kiss you. Bathe in sunlight, moonlight, and starlight too. All of these lights are nourishment to you on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. They are Universal free gifts of the Spirit to assist you in the shift and changes of the hour, the day the week. We Grandmothers still think it is good for our children and grandchildren to get adequate exercise, nourishment from Earth grown foods that have not been tampered with in a lab, time to socialize and play, and time to simply BE. Not everything revolves around money or the gaining of money. Summer in the Northern hemisphere is for vacations and Winter in the Southern is for gathering near a warm hearth and fireplace if you are blessed to have one and dream. We do not wish for our beloveds to be like gerbils on a wheel! Racing, racing, leads to imbalances of every sort and a complete departure from common sense and yes you all have been endowed with common sense if you only use it! We of the Grandmother council largely incarnated during times when mothers did not have "careers". Mothering WAS the career. All that has shifted within the last fifty or so years of course and we celebrate the gains you have all made. We also remind you there is dignity in BEing motherly or grandmotherly. It is a sacred calling. We never punched a time clock. Hey hey a little joke there. We evolved into being grandmothers. And so will you dear child soon enough in a perfectly natural way. Never be ashamed or embarrassed of who you are. Taking good care of yourself and enjoying the peace and quiet beauty of a simple home filled with love and partnership with a man you love and the modern tools of communication you have is enough. It is a great contribution to the global village because in your prayers & meditations you have become a pillar of Light. You transduce the Light into the Earth with your meditations and your prayers are as easily heard as the sound of your voice out loud in Heaven. Never ever for one second doubt this. The changes coming are for tremendous GOOD, they are joyous in nature, be advised. Have your grandmothers ever led you astray? Ponder this dear blessed heart. We love you so.

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